Mohammad Talha Hafeez

Computer Engineering Student + Software Engineering Intern + Advenurous

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About Me

Hello, thank you for visiting my website. I've done some cool and nerdy projects so check them out. I am a first-generation computer engineering student who is passionate about building and learning. I am happiest when I able to gain new skills to help others. Growing up in the great U.S. had its challenges for me because I was born in Pakistan and move here when I was young. Albany, NY is my home and I even have been fortunate enough to call Seacoast NH and Buffalo, NY my home. And of course, this bio wouldn't be complete if I didn't say how much I love hiking and nature. Feel free to look around and contact me for any reason.


My website is currently under construction. This is section is coming soon!

Reach Out To Me Anytime!

I am happy to talk anytime, contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

+1 (518) 210-3986